Course Code MCS-024
Course Title Object Oriented Technologies and Java Programming
Assignment Number BCA (4)/024/Assignment/2019-20
Maximum Marks 100%
Last Date of Submission 15th October, 2019 (for July 2019 Session)
15th April, 2020 (for January 2020 Session)

There are eight questions in this assignment which carried 80 marks. Rest 20 marks are for viva-voce. Answer all the questions. Give appropriate comments in programs to increase understandability. Wherever required, you may write java program, run it on machine and take its output as part of solution. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Program Guide for the format of presentation.

Q1. (a) Explain basic concepts of Object Oriented Programming? Explain how data hiding is achieved. (5) 

(b) Explain use of different types of operators available in java with the help of examples. 

(5) Q2. (a) Explain how class is defined in java with the help of an example. Also explain what are 

the things which are kept inside a class. (2) 

(b) Write a java program to create an Account class and define constructors in it. Inherit Saving_Bank_Account class from Account class. Override constructors of Account class in Saving_Bank_Account class. Define appropriate methods to operate the accounts. Make necessary assumptions. (8) 

Q3. (a) Explain use of static methods in java. (2) 

(b) Write a java program to add two matrices of 4X4 in java. (3) 

(c) Explain different types of inheritance that are supported by java with the help of 

examples. (5) 

Q4. (a) Explain uses of final and super keywords in java with the help of examples. (4) 

(b) Explain the need of package in Java. Explain accessibility rules for packages. (3) 

(c) Explain advantages of polymorphism with the help of example. (3) 

Q5. (a) What is interface? How it is different from abstract class? Explain. (2) 

(b) What is an exception? Explain various causes of exceptions. With the help of a program explain how exceptions are handled in java. (4) 

(c) What is multithreading? Explain how threads are created in java. Describe java thread model. (4) 

Q6. (a) Explain various applications where multithreading may be used. Also explain how interthread communication takes place in java. (5) 

(b) Create an Applet to draw different shapes on the basis of input given by user. (5) 

Q7. (a) What is object serialization? Explain working and use of object serialization (3) 

(b) Explain different stream classes in java. Also, write a java program to save the given data in a file. (5) 

(c) Explain difference between String and StringBuffer classes. (2) 

Q8. (a) What is a proxy server? Explain URL class and its methods in java. (3) 

(b) Explain the advantages of JDBC. (2) 

(c) What is Servlet? Explain GET and POST methods of Servlet. (3) 

(d) Explain TCP/IP Sockets. (2) 

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